Fairtrade Certified

Fairtrade ANZ exists to improve the position of small co-operative growers in coffee-producing countries. It helps bring together farmers to form co-operatives to work together to improve living conditions for workers. Flo has transparency and credibility from growers to the consumers.

We support sustainability with the growers and producers by offering Fairtrade, Organic and Rainforest Alliance certified coffee

JBL/Fairtrade Impact Report – Spotlight on PNG

We have the following beans available:


Why pay more for Fairtrade & Organic certified coffee?

Fairtrade gives farmers stability by offering a Fairtrade Minimum Price which protects them from market volatility. It supports farmers to form small producer organizations, which enables farmers to negotiate better terms of trade and reach wider markets.

Farmers also receive a, additional Fairtrade Premium – an extra sum of money paid on top of the selling price that they can invest in business or community projects of their choice. 25 percent of this premium is also invested in quality or productivity improvement initiatives.

Organically grown coffee receives an additional price incentive too.

Ultimately, it’s about farmers building a better quality of life for their families and communities, while keeping the quality of your coffee up to scratch – a win-win!

Fairtrade minimum price 180c/lb: The guarantee of a Minimum Price is unique to Fairtrade certification. For most Fairtrade goods there is a Fairtrade Minimum Price which covers the cost of sustainable production for the product in that region.

Organic Premium 40c/lb: This is to cover the organic certification

Social Premium 30c/lb (minimum): This is over and above the Fairtrade price; that is, the Fairtrade Premium is an additional sum of money which goes into a communal fund for workers and farmers to use as they see fit, to improve their social, economic and environmental conditions. Farmers and workers alone determine what is most important to them and they do so democratically, during annual meetings for example. Funds can be spent on education or healthcare for their children, improving their business or building vital infrastructure such as roads and bridges for their community. The Fairtrade Premium is a real game-changer.

An update on the Fairtrade Minimum Price: Fairtrade Minimum Price Increase